What is move like it matters ?

Feet Find Center The Rest Is Liquid Geometry


Walking is a whole body movement. When you walk every joint of your body is set in motion. The body can either walk efficiently or not, it’s the not walking efficiently that leads to compensations in your body. The more movement inhibitions, the more musculoskeletal compensations. The more compensations, the more pathology. The more pathology, the more sad feelings.

Compensations lead to postural imbalance. Posture therefore is directly influenced by how you walk and that influences how you feel. When you see a movement or health care professional it’s unlikely they would consider that your posture is influenced by how you walk. It is clearly evident that the way people walk affects everything from their feet to their head.

Walking is a pattern that you repeat on a daily basis. An altered gait pattern usually doesn't change once its been established. It’s a fixed and constantly repeated pattern in your body. The longer you walk this way, the further it serves too hard wire the dysfunctional gait pattern into your brain.

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To change it takes external influence. move like it matters is that external influence. move like it matters is a cutting-edge method of assessing and correcting postural problems, relieving pain, reducing the likelihood of future injury and improving physical performance.

Encouraging the body to move in ways that it has forgotten due to adaptation and compensation. By systematically encouraging each joint of the body to move freely again, we can teach the body to reintegrate those missing movements back into the gait cycle.

The first session will always involve an initial assessment of the body’s posture and gait analysis. Addressing each individual’s movement inefficiencies and limitations. Most bodies are not functioning fluidly and therefore certain muscles are rarely used and others become tight and overworked, just through daily living. When muscles have been in a chronically shortened position, the act of allowing them to lengthen and contract in a fuller range helps them to remember their fluid range of motion. These problems are all addressed in the assessment.


Sometimes it requires pealing away layers to find and rectify the root cause of a problem. Many times it’s very obvious and the body is ready to take on the new information immediately. When this is the case, an issue can be resolved in a few sessions and can remain resolved indefinitely.

Some issues are brought on by our enviroment which, unless discovered and resolved, can mean that the issue will keep returning (ie: improper shoe choice, the set-up of a computer, our furniture, a sport or hobby, food choices, and sleep habits etc).

One on one sessions are suitable for any level of ability – from those who are in pain or can barely get up and down the stairs, to those who want to compete athletically. move like it matters is highly adaptable and very gentle, yet effective. It’s always highly respectful of the individual capabilities.

The therapeutic movements chosen are specific to the client and their problem. Particularly in the case of pain, the patient will soon understand that the pain is rarely where the problem is. move like it matters allows us to identify and treat the actual cause of each clients condition rather than being fooled by looking at where it hurts.

Once your body finds Center and Balance through gait. You are then able to do what ever you want with your newfound freedom of movement.